Gone To California

by Pink

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:43 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author

Alecia Moore / Linda Perry

Tabbed by

All Instruments Transcribed By: Ashley Dalby


1st → Vocals
2nd → Guitar
3rd → Drums
4th → Synth
5th → Bass
6th → Sax

File Size

41 KB




I'm go ing to Cal i for nia, to live in the sum mer sun The streets are made of sil ver I'm like a rab bit on the run Phi la delp hi a free dom, well, it's not like you have heard The ci ty of Broth er ly Love _ is full of pain and hurt I'm go ing to Cal i for nia, to find my pot of gold Cor rup tion on ev 'ry cor ner hust lers sel ling sweets Ba by is home cry ing while her ma ma's on the street Ev 'ry bo dy's dy ing have you heard the news to day? A wo man in North Phil ly is mour ning the bul let took a noth er son a way _ _ I'm go ing to Cal i for nia, I'm go _ ing far, far, far a way Go ing to Cal i for nia; yes, to res ur rect my soul The sun is al ways shi ning (shin ing) or at least that's what I'm told _ _ I'm go ing to Cal i for nia; there is a bet ter life for me Go ing to Cal i for nia; I'll write and tell you what _ I see _ _ I'm go ing to Cal i for nia; some bo dy say a prayer for me _ _


It is imperative to follow the 5.2 notices located throughout. The song is accurate. The drums do fade out but due to them being hard to distinquish, I faded the percussion out where it does but did not add the notes past the standard pattern. If you can, feel free to do them yourself. Some of the vocal adlibbing between verses, such as moaning, I did not add as they too are hard to decipher. I will add the rest of the saxophone adlibbing at the finale at a later time. There might be a minor tempo glitch during the seconmd verse transition. It is also imperative to keep the Master Reverb that you see to your right where it is, as this makes it sound best. This was checked for accuracy by playing along with the real track song!